Published inBetter ProgrammingData Science and Kotlin — Introducing DataFrames With KranglA hands-on introduction to creating, importing, and exporting dataframes using Kotlin language and Krangl libraryDec 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022
Published inBetter ProgrammingHow to Upload or Download Files With Spring Boot and KotlinThis post aims to describe how Kotlin and Spring Boot can work together to create a service capable of uploading/downloading files using…Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022
How to create PDF files with Java and OpenPDFA guide to OpenPDF, a free and open source alternative to create PDF documents with Java.Nov 7, 20223Nov 7, 20223
Published inBetter ProgrammingCreating PDF Files With Kotlin and OpenPDFA guide to OpenPDF, a free and open source alternative to create PDF documents with Kotlin.Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
Published inCodeXGetting Started with Kotlin and MavenSet up a Maven based Kotlin project and run it in 3 simple stepsAug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
Run Redis & Redis-Commander in 3 steps using DockerInstalling a NoSQL database that can be used as datastore, as message broker or as a cache system is a very common requirement for a wide…Dec 30, 2021Dec 30, 2021
How to Run MariaDB & phpMyAdmin in 3 steps using DockerNote: This article is a version adapted to MariaDB of my post Run MySQL & phpMyAdmin locally in 3 steps using DockerOct 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021
How to run PostgreSQL & PgAdmin in 3 steps using DockerNote: This article is a PostgreSQL and PgAdmin adapted version of my post Run MySQL & phpMyAdmin locally in 3 steps using DockerOct 3, 20216Oct 3, 20216
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to Create a Docker Image with Jupyter Notebook and KotlinSet up a custom Jupyter Notebook environment compatible with Kotlin kernel in 3 steps using Docker.Sep 14, 20211Sep 14, 20211
Published inCodeXUsing MySQL as production ready database to run Keycloak locally using DockerConfigure your Docker based Keycloak instance with MySQL for a IAM production ready solutionSep 9, 2021Sep 9, 2021